
Swedish animator working in Stockholm.

Monday, 19 August 2013

This thing called exercise...

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I'm doing a very non-typically animator thing on September 7th. I'm running a swedish mile (10km)!

I have the speed of a turtle though, and probably won't actually be running the whole way. Hell, I'm impressed if I run half the way in one go.

You should all try running. It's good to see the world and get some exercise every now and then. I usually run near water and forests during sunsets. SO BEAUTIFUL. Because of that I'm going to post a few pictures that I've taken while out running. Just to get YOU to go out and run.

Visby, where I studied for three years.
Another view from Visby.
Nowadays I live in Stockholm. This is the path I usually take.
Every now and then I will go on the other side and see these houses instead!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Plotagon is out!

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Hey hey! This is exciting!

The app I've been working on since March was released around a week ago. So now people around the world can make animated movies, on their own, just by writing some words.

Mind you, it's not a final release by far, it's just a public beta. But it's available, and you can buy it and play around with it, and it's awesome!

We have already had a number of movies made since release, check it out:

Unfortunately we still lack a lot of features, for example sharing videos to other platforms, so I can't add any videos to this blog post... you'll just have to go there and see for yourself!

I've learned a lot from working on this, for example how to try and produce feature film animation in a game production pipeline. I'm still working on learning that though. I'll write about it - someday.

(check out the app!!)